SynthTrax Music Videos, DJ Mixes, Livestreams, Tartaria and More!
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The SynthTrax Locals Community is a place for people who are into my Videos and Mixes and Tartaria can meetup here and see posts from myself and get together as a locals community!
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February 08, 2024
I got Rumble Small Creator!!!!!

Super excited to see where this takes me!!! I want to thank all of you for being part of this journey with me. Its kind of hard to express the feeling I get when I dj and hang with you guys. But its amazing and ALL OF YOU are such a big part of my inspiration and even have been my muse in many ways.

With that said, after Friday I am then getting ready immediately to fly to Alabama to visit family and maybe some mardi gras ;) haha.

Then I will be back and get right into my Rumble Small Creator programming schedule. the requirement is 5 days a week at least 2 hours.

Dont worry. Friday will not change ;)

But I have some ideas and am totally open to ideas. Feel free to give me some input.

1) a night of streaming where I am editing and preparing for my Friday show. Would be good to chat with you guys. get to know me better and see my process, maybe even inspire me.
2) Themed music evenings to specific types of music and my love for them
3) Total Request Live (videos ...

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October 29, 2024
another one
October 29, 2024
workin on some new shit. Original animations ;)

some extras for you guys!

This weeks theme - and my loading screen animation ;)
January 14, 2025

The holidays were hella busy. BUT I"M DEEP Working on my next compilation.

THE GARBAGE PAIL KIDS ARE FINALLY COMING. Its gonna get gross! I'll be posting some stuff here, keep your eyes out ;)

Want me to try and recreate you as a garbage pail kid? LET ME KNOW! I'm down and love incorporating SynthCrew in my comps! GET PAILED FOREVAHHHHH!!!

November 19, 2024
Test Stream - Unlisted - Come hang

Gonna test a bunch of games on the stream unlisted. Just to my locals peeps if you want to come in and hang out cmon by ;)

October 26, 2024
Finally. Uploaded the Moebius artworks

Link to download Original Moebius Artworks - and AI upscales. You will notice that I excluded alot of the upscales and originals depending on the quality. This is the whole shabang. - The funny thing about doing this one was that alot of the AI Upscales I excluded from the compilation because the AI couldn't comprehend the amount of detail Moebius put into his work. -- But you've got it all here !

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